Thou shalt promise to write and send invitations with details clearly stated. If you want to avoid people texting you later for more details about the big day, make sure you’ve created a clear and succinct wedding invitation.
Thou shalt be punctual. As much as they love you two, your guests will tire easily between the ceremony and reception. Don’t leave them waiting too long.
Thou shalt provide great nutrition. Whether it is a buffet or a seven-course meal, great food is what makes a great wedding. Be sure to also have snacks on hand for all-night party people.
Thou shalt not be stingy on the beverage situation. Even if you don’t have an open bar, there are great ways to ensure everyone gets to have a couple beverages of their choice.
Thou shalt kill it on the dance floor. Of course, the lovely couple always gets the first dance, but make a point of including everyone in your epic one-night-only dance party.
Thou shalt provide an excellent care package for out-of-town guests. Whether your family is staying with you or at a hotel, put together a fun gift basket of essentials and local specialties to welcome them.
Thou shalt be brunch-master thus forth. Don’t forget to plan a post-wedding brunch for family and wedding party – they’ve worked hard for your big day, too.
Thou shalt pay thy wedding vendors promptly. No one likes to beg for their money, so arrange to pay your vendors the morning of the wedding or set up a bank transfer
for the same day.
Thou shalt not send thank-you notes any later than three months after the wedding. Delegate the task of note-taking to a detail-oriented bridesmaid or family member while you open gifts so you absolutely do not miss anyone.
Thou shalt not covet Pinterest boards of yore. The big day is over, so unless you are planning on renewing your vows in 10 years, don’t over-analyze every detail.