“The H Factor of Personality” is the brainchild of University of Calgary professor Kibeom Lee and his colleague from Brock University, Michael C. Ashton. Their new book, written for a general audience, outlines a significant discovery in their extensive research in the field of personality psychology.
“H” stands for Honesty/Humility, and it can say a lot about a person. The H factor includes personality traits such as honesty and sincerity, modest and fairness of mind as opposed to one who is sly and deceitful, boastful and self-important. It affects how people approach money, power and their relationships and their attitudes about society, politics and religion. The H factor has even been linked to a person’s inclination to break or obey the law.
Apparently it isn’t easy to spot a person with low H, but the book provides clues for identifying levels in other people and in oneself. Low H’ers, fret not: the book also gives suggestions on how to raise levels in your own personality. And, for those with solid H, it provides practical tips on how to co-exist with the difficult people we’re bound to come across.
You can find more information about the H Factor and the HEXACO model that it stems from at hexaco.org. The book is available on amazon.com.