I have my dad, of all people, to thank for introducing me to Crabtree & Evelyn Himalayan Blue ultra-moisturizing hand therapy.
He gave it to me last Christmas, and I smiled and thanked him in the slightly blas manner one employs when they receive a stocking-stuffer. I didn’t realize at the time that this is no ordinary lotion. I pledge to never go another day without it.
All Calgarians know firsthand how rotten the weather here is to your skin. We battle the unholy trinity of cold, dry and windy on a daily basis. Hands take a particularly brutal beating and a moisturizing agent needs to be applied several times a day to keep the lizard skin at bay. Going through the lotions can make you feel a bit like Goldilocks: too runny, too perfumy, too greasy, too waxy.
This one, however, is juuussst right!
It’s potent enough to deal with our weather’s worst but not greasy (I can still turn lamps on right after I apply). According to the tube, the formula includes a blend of white, black and green teas, ginger and champaca extracts, shea butter and macadamia nut oil. As for the scent, I’m suspect that the real Himalayas smell all that nice (what with the burning yak dung and all), but Crabtree and Evelyn’s interpretation is pleasantly floral without being overpowering.
I actually love the way my hands feel right now. In Calgary, that’s high praise.
Available at Crabtree & Evelyn in Market Mall. 403-247-0658. crabtree-eveyln.com