Find Your Best Neighbourhood
Tell us how important each of the characteristics below are to you in a great neighbourhood. Rank them on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being very important and one being not important at all. The filter will show you all of the neighbourhoods in Calgary that match your personal criteria and remove any that don’t. Remember, no neighbourhood is perfect so if you choose all 10s you’ll be left with no neighbourhoods.
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Woodbine ranked 65th overall in Avenue Calgary's 2020 Best Neighbourhoods....
Winston Heights/Mountview
Winston Heights/Mountview ranked 48th overall in Avenue Calgary's 2020 Best Neighbourhoods....
Windsor Park
Windsor Park ranked 162nd overall in Avenue Calgary's 2020 Best Neighbourhoods....
Willow Park
Willow Park ranked 55th overall in Avenue Calgary's 2020 Best Neighbourhoods....
Wildwood ranked 132nd overall in Avenue Calgary's 2020 Best Neighbourhoods....
Whitehorn ranked 53rd overall in Avenue Calgary's 2020 Best Neighbourhoods....
Westgate ranked 154th overall in Avenue Calgary's 2020 Best Neighbourhoods....
West Springs
West Springs ranked 122nd overall in Avenue Calgary's 2020 Best Neighbourhoods....
West Hillhurst
West Hillhurst ranked 87th overall in Avenue Calgary's 2020 Best Neighbourhoods....