Ashley King
Ashley King is artistic associate for Inside Out Theatre, which produces and presents works showcasing Deaf, Disability and Mad culture and consults on how to make the performing arts accessible for audiences.
Tonie Minhas
Tonie Minhas is project manager, neuroinclusion services, with Auticon, an autistic-majority company that is part of a global social enterprise that promotes neurodiversity and inclusion in workplaces.
Nabeel Ramji
Nabeel Ramji is co-founder and CEO of Pedesting, a navigation app that identifies accessible and pedestrian routes through built urban environments.
Dayle Sheehan
Dayle Sheehan is lead designer and owner of Dayle Sheehan Interior Design Inc., as well as an author, podcaster, public speaker and advocate for universal design.
Tara Weber
Tara Weber is Western Bureau Chief for BNN Bloomberg and covers a wide range of business issues, including energy, retail and politics from her base in Calgary.