Xthetics Face and Body Sculpt’s Distinctive Approach to Medical Aesthetics

This Calgary medical aesthetics practice puts customers first.

Nestled in the heart of Victoria Park, Xthetics Face and Body Sculpt emerges as a haven for individuals on a quest to find a practice with a new approach to medical aesthetics. 

Artistry in medicine: The unique Xthetics approach

Behind the scenes at Xthetics is the visionary Dr. Maria Chuquer, a luminary in the field of medical aesthetics. Teaming up with the dynamic Nurse Celina Espinoza, the duo bring a harmonious blend of medical acumen and artistic finesse to the forefront, ensuring that each procedure is a testament to precision and beauty.

Elevating the Xperience: Customer service as a cornerstone

Xthetics redefines the narrative of medical aesthetics by placing customer service on a pedestal. It’s not merely about treatments; it’s a luxury experience where your comfort and full satisfaction are paramount. The skilled team at Xthetics crafts an environment that goes beyond aesthetics, creating a space where your unique needs are understood and catered to.

Navigating trends: Xthetics’ commitment to aesthetic evolution

In the ever-evolving world of aesthetics, Xthetics distinguishes itself by being at the forefront of trends and innovations. This commitment is not merely a reflection of staying current; it’s a dedication to guiding patients through a landscape of advancements, ensuring that each aesthetic choice aligns seamlessly with contemporary standards. For example, in 2023, Xthetics added the specialised niche service Liquid Butt Lift, which uses dermal filler to lift and sculpt. As one of only a few clinics offering this service in the country, Chuquer aims for Xthetics to be the go-to clinic in Calgary for clients looking to sculpt their bodies with injectables.

Mission unveiled: beauty beyond boundaries

Espinoza articulates a mission that transcends societal norms, asserting, “Beauty is ageless, and everyone deserves to embrace their unique essence. Our mission at Xthetics is to authentically enhance your beauty, irrespective of age. We believe that everyone deserves to feel like the best version of themselves, whether that’s with the help of injectables or a tailored skin care program, we want our patients to remember they deserve it all.”

To learn more, call the clinic at 587-772-6449, explore Instagram @xtheticsyyc or visit xthetics.ca.


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