Painter, illustrator and interior decorator Maya Gohill has spent a lot of time thinking about the role of personal style in her life lately. “When I was asked to be on this list I wasn’t really sure if it was in alignment with my life path and my journey,” she says. “It’s very important to me to be known for who I am as an artist and creator.” In spending part of the last year rethinking her relationship to her possessions and how our personal aesthetics invite surface-level judgment, Gohill says she also couldn’t just shut off parts of herself that belong to the world of expression she knows best. “I’m a visual person,” she says. “I put things together creatively.”
Gohill says she spends most of her time at home working in her studio and allots more energy shopping for homewares than clothes. Her style is a byproduct of her life as a working artist. And though it could never compete with her main visual focus as an artist, her fashion sense does contain fundamental clues to understand her lens.